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Enabling Regulatory Record Labels in MS Purview: A Step-by-Step Guide

Have you heard about Regulatory Records but can't find them in MS Purview?

By default, Regulatory Records are disabled. When creating a Retention label, you'll only see two options: a regular Retention Label and Record (including Unlocked record).

The screenshot below illustrates that Regulatory Records are not available.

 To enable Regulatory Records, using PowerShell is the only available option now.


To connect to the Compliance Center (MS Purview), you will need the ExchangeOnlineManagement Module. If you haven't installed it yet, follow these steps: 


1. Install the module:

Install -Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagment


2. Set the execution policy

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned


3.  Import the module and connect to the Compliance Center:

Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement

Connect-IPPSSession -UserPrincipalName Your_UPN

4.   After connecting, execute the following command to enable Regulatory Records:

Set-RegulatoryComplianceUI -Enabled $true

The setting will take effect instantaneously.

You can verify by running the Get-RegulatoryComplianceUI command to see that the ‘Enabled’ property is set to True.

Return to the MS Purview Compliance Center and navigate to the Records Management Portal to create a new Retention label.

You can now see that “Mark items as a regulatory record “ option is available:


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